Who are we

The Columbiettes are a National Service Organization of faithful Catholic Women. We are a Catholic sisterhood devoted to God and in service to our Knights of Columbus. 

Our Purpose is to:

Promote the spiritual, social and charitable welfare of our members. To instill a steadfast conviction relating to the proper place and function of Catholic women in safeguarding the religious, civil, and economic rights of all Catholics. To relay upon the intercession of Mary, our Mother and Model, for guidance in guarding the common good, and aiding all members of the human family and to give assistance to the Knights of Columbus in all their activities upon request. 

Our Patronesses

  • Blessed Virgin Mary – Let us be ever mindful of the responsibility which is ours, by emulating her in her purity, and by imitating her as a Mother, for we, as Catholics know, that she is the foundation of all true motherhood.
  • Saint Therese, the Little Flower – In her great zeal to serve Almighty God, she welcomed any opportunity to make sacrifices.
  • St. Joan of Arc – She was always ready to give her aid unselfishly to those who defended a righteous cause.

Who Can Join?

Any practical Catholic woman over the age of 18 is welcome to join our organization. Click below for more information.

our History

The Columbiettes were re-established on January 22, 2012.  Recognizing the need to include the Knight’s Spouses and family in Knight activities, The St. Rose of Lima, Knights of Columbus Council #11599, Grand Knight(Phillip Guajardo) and Deputy Grand Knight (Richard Cruz) approached Maria Cruz and asked her to assist them with re-establishing the Columbiettes.  On January 22nd, 22 Ladies responded to the call.  They voted in officers, established Columbiettes By-Laws and are now fully engaged in assisting the Knights of Columbus with their events and charities.  The Ladies are also working to generate funds to support needy families in our community.